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12 Days of Christmas

The "12 Days of Christmas" is a popular English Christmas carol that dates back to the 18th century, though the exact origin is uncertain. The song follows a cumulative pattern, with each verse adding a new gift to the list. The gifts are repeated in a cumulative fashion, making it a fun and repetitive song.
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to thee...
- A partridge in a pear tree
- Two turtle doves
- Three French hens
- Four calling birds
- Five golden rings
- Six geese a-laying
- Seven swans a-swimming
- Eight maids a-milking
- Nine ladies dancing
- Ten lords a-leaping
- Eleven pipers piping
- Twelve drummers drumming
Each day of Christmas adds the new gift, resulting in a total of 78 gifts over the 12 days.
Join in and sing along!