Respectfully express your love for Mother Earth with our "Swell Visionary Earth Bracelet." All the rage, this eco-friendly unisex statement piece is handcrafted of earth-toned bamboo beads and features a unique Earth-colored agate bead representing "Mother Earth."
From the inception of Swell Vision in 2013, our founder's "vision" was to make sustainable living the new normal by expanding a green fashion culture. With every step of the way, we are partnering with you to leave the planet better than we found it. Let's make it happen by creating and promoting a sustainable living culture.
Thank you for standing with Swell Vision and voting with your dollar to make a positive impact on the future of our global existence. Now, we ask that you take it a step further by consciously becoming a SWELL VISIONARY and take the pledge to become a part of the solution and shop sustainably.
By signing this pledge I am committed to:
- I pledge to honor Mother Earth by adopting a "consciously sustainable" lifestyle and to inspire my community and personal network to make conscious choices for the environment.
- I will be consciously aware of how my daily actions, habits and decisions directly impact my environment and will modify these actions to help create a more socially responsible community.
- I will respect, protect and preserve our natural resources by promoting recycling, water conservation, reducing carbon emissions, eliminating single use plastic, choosing locally sourced organic food and any additional actions that benefit our planet.
- I will support the practice of sustainable education to raise the awareness of environmental issues facing the well-being of future generations,
- As a Swell Vision-ARY, I have an obligation to future generations and to Mother Earth herself to become a devoted steward of our planet.
"Go Green or Go Home!"