The "Climate Change" Agenda

Generally I do not keep myself up to date on the governmental websites, but it came to my attention recently that things are changing. The new administration has brought about many changes, from new leadership to shifting priorities regarding the environment and sustainability. Now the information is changing; our government websites that are created to provide objective educational research on a wide range of topics -- one of those being climate.
Our mission is rooted in the promotion of education to ensure future generations develop into environmentally conscious consumers. This is why we partner with the Green School in Bali and is at the core of our product development. Our Swell Vision is to encourage consumers to shop sustainable -- from bamboo watches and sunglasses to organic cotton and hemp apparel, we practice what we preach. Stay up to date with our blog to remain informed on the latest environmental news and other ways to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle.
"This time, it's the website of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which is a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The alteration largely involves just one word — "change" — and appears to be relatively minor when compared to, say, the Environmental Protection Agency's decision to remove its climate change website.
The Environmental Data and Governance Initiative, which scrubbed and saved Obama-era versions of web pages across the federal government, found five references to “climate change” that were altered to read “climate” on the NIH website," writes Dino Grandoni from the Washington Post.
As we continue to see weather patterns grow more extreme and face environmental challenges due to pollution and abuse of natural resources, it cannot be denied that times are changing. What you as an ordinary citizen can do to make a positive impact: vote for your elected officials; vote with your dollar to encourage sustainable consumption. Whether it is a birthday, holiday, celebration or some other special occasion, Swell Vision has a variety of sustainable options for your gift needs. With back to school shopping in full swing, consider purchasing fewer, quality items, from environmentally conscious sources. When you shop sustainable with Swell you are reducing your carbon footprint and promoting eco-friendly education, in style. That's a pretty Swell Vision.
weohjjyjot —
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?
Sara —
We have seen censorship before, which is why it is important, now more than ever, to educate our future generations. Without teaching our children about the consequences of our actions, we will not even have a livable planet for our grandchildren. Thank you for writing about pertinent issues and using your product as a platform to educate. I love the Swell Vision and your sustainable products.